If you’re like me, you use your phone to take photos. With the age of smartphones, it’s just so easy to snap a pic anytime anywhere! So you probably have more photos than you need or know what to do with. You’re probably overwhelmed by the sight of all those photos on your camera roll taking up memory on your phone. Everyone has a different method of storing photos. There’s the cloud and there’s online storage sites like Shutterfly .
Personally, I am a huge fan of Shutterfly. I’m not real into the cloud. Maybe it’s because I don’t totally understand it. I’m not the most tech savvy person. Let me explain why I like Shutterfly so much...
1-I love the ease of ordering prints if I need them. I don’t need them often, but I like the convenience for those times when I do need them. 2-I love the ease up uploading photos. Since most of my photos are taken on my phone, I have the Shutterfly app. Makes uploading super easy. You pick what to upload manually or you set up auto upload. I choose to upload manually because not everything in my camera roll needs to be kept. Sometime I just have a random screenshot for something I want to remember, and obviously that’s not a photo that I need to keep forever. Then when I ‘m done I can delete them from my phone.
3-I love the ability to make folders and albums as a way to store the photos in a way that makes sense to me. My method is to have a folder for each year...ie 2017, 2018 etc. Within each year (folder) is an album for a specific event or trip. The album is named for the event or trip followed by the month and/or year. This is my method of organizing my photos because it’s what makes sense to me when I need to find a photo or when I’m making photo books. However, you don’t have to make folders and albums. You can simply upload onto your “timeline” and the photos are simply kept in chronological order. I prefer albums but pretty much just for the ease of making photo books, leading me to my next reason.
4- I LOVE their photo books. I make an annual vacation book from our summer trips. I also make the kids memory books. I am a little behind in the production of books but I make a book each year for the kids up until they start school. Then I’m making an Elementary school book for K-5 to give them when they leave elementary school. And I will do the same for middle and high school.
Making the books are so easy. You can pick the photos to be included and Shutterfly will put them in a book. However, if you want the book to be more custom, you can make it as custom as you want. A little more time consuming but worth it. So you choose how simple or custom you want the book making process to be. I’ve done both ways and they are all great. The kids love to look through their books. The plus side is that Shutterfly also saves all your projects. So if something horrible happened like a house fire and you lost the books, you could simply order a new one without the work of recreating it. Shutterfly also has FREE UNLIMITED storage. That’s pretty awesome right there. No photos are ever deleted and they aren’t taking up space on your phone, tablet, or computer.